To successfully improve your spelling you will first need to complete the diagnostic test.
After having had the test corrected, put the words you got wrong in your spelling notebook. Add any words you misspell in your weekly written work too.
Each time you work on your spelling be sure to log your activities on the spelling log-sheet.
Remember to vary your activities. Exercises, peer tests, rule posters, presentations, films, web pages and dramatic performances are all possible!
Be sure to use the personalised graph of your strengths and weaknesses to determine which areas you work on. Start with the areas in which you received the lowest score.
Friday is the designated day for the spelling lesson.
spellingaudit_2.pdf |
spellinglogsheet.pdf |
classaveragespellings2201920.pdf |
Student presentations
prefixes_presentation.ppt |
punctuation_and_spelling_jagga_and_salma_finished.pptx |
zoe_and_ais.pptx |